A to Z List of SCAM PTC (Bux) site!
Here I listed all the PTC sites from A to Z on the base of follwoing factors
- Not paying their members,
- Too many complaints and negative comments are found
- Unstable (comes and goes)
- Lack of good design of the site
- Abandonment (owner disappears from the forum) ties with or is owned by a previous scammer (history of scamming people) or it is being deceiving
- And is "too good to be true" (ex: paying $100.00 per ad!)
- No forum included in the site or no response from the organizer of the forum if exist!
- 0-9
- 888bux.com
- 123EasyCash.net
- 62bux.com
- 37bux.com
- 8ballbux.com
- 1dollarforclick.com
- 1-usd-mail.com
- 3-dollar-mail.com
- 5-dollar-mail.com
- 10-cash.com
- 20-euro-mail.com
- 100-cash.com
- 2008mails.com
- 1800banners.com
- 100dollarptc.com
- 100euro-mail.com
- 200euromails.net
- 247payouts.com
- 400dollarsdaily.info
- 10bux.net
- 10centcashoutptc.com
- 10dollar-mail.com
- 10euro-mail.com
- 50centMails.com
- 77bux.com
- 99centptc.com
- 1cent-mail.com
- 1centemails (1centemails.com)
- 1dollarptc.com
- 2bux.net
- 5cash.info
- 4realptc.info
- 5euro-mails.com
- 7evenbux.com
- 7heavenptc.com
- A
- adptc.com
- adshow.eu
- alertpayments.com
- alphabux.com
- amazingptc.com
- amdbux.com
- andbux.net
- angel-mails.com
- ashbux.com
- astralbux.com
- atlascash.net
- autopaybux.com
- awardmails.biz
- awardmails.info
- awardmails.net
- awsurveys.com
- awsurveys.com
- a-n-cash.com
- adbux.org
- adflasher.net
- afferinte.com
- ahbux.com
- andreamails.com
- ads-earn.com
- adventures4u.com
- adybux.com
- aerobux.com
- aglocomails.com
- alexmails.com
- all-cashmails.com
- angelbux (angelbux.com)
- arclicks.com
- ariaptc.com
- asonewishes.com
- astroux.com
- at-mails.com
- atbux.com
- athome-cash.com
- autoex.org
- autopayouts.com
- axnbux.com
- B
- bestbux.info
- black-mails.com
- blackrose-mail.com
- bux.to
- bux9x.com
- bux6.com
- bux4cashflow.com
- bux4you2.com
- buxator.com
- buxaware.com
- bux.bz
- buxexcel.com
- buxforlife.com
- buxglobal.com
- buxgocrazy.com
- buxinc.com
- buxiq.com
- buxix.com
- buxls.com
- buxplode.com
- buxpro.me
- buxrise.com
- buxtax.com
- buxter.ws
- buxuniverse.com
- buxyath.com
- buxyworld.com
- b-u-x.net
- babalac.com
- baltbux.com
- bangthelinks.com
- bank-ptr.com
- bankomails.com
- banzibux.com
- bcbux.com
- beachbux.net
- beachptc.com
- beanybux.com
- bear-mails.com
- beaverbux.com
- best-mails.com
- bestdollarclicks.com
- bestnewbuxto.info
- bestpaybux.com
- BbetaBux.com
- bfgbux.com
- biggreenbux.com
- bigmoneycenter.com
- bigmoneyptc.com
- bigptc.tk
- billionaireptc.com
- birdmails.com
- blackearn.com
- blubux.com
- blue-mails.com
- bobomails.com
- boffopaidmail.com
- bombapub.com
- boodaq.com
- boonbux.com
- bpbux.com
- bravebux.com
- britebux.com
- business-ptr.com
- businessmails.bz
- bux.ee
- bux.gs
- bux.io
- bux.LT (bux.xz.lt)
- bux.to
- bux-7ven.com
- bux-gr.com
- bux-inv.com
- bux-service.com
- bux3.com
- bux36.com
- buxanna.com
- buxcafe.com
- buxcashy.com
- buxchristmas.com
- buxcorp.com
- buxdiamond.com
- buxextra.com
- buxextra2.com
- buxfirst.com
- buxforex.com
- buxforyou.com
- buxgolden.com
- buxhunter.com
- buxjobs.com
- buxler.net
- buxmarley.com
- buxmillionaire.com
- buxnew.com
- buxoffice.net
- buxokk.com
- buxptr.com
- buxs.nl
- buxtask.com
- buxtro.com
- buxturk.ws
- buxwin.com
- buxwiz.com
- buxxl.com
- C
- caringbux.com
- catchwavebux.com
- ceoptc.com
- christyclix.com
- chromybux.com
- clicksx.com
- clixos.com
- clixy.us
- clockpay.net
- conch-mails.com
- creditbux.com
- camel-mails.com
- capricornbux.com
- cash4clickingptc.com
- cash4Clicks.org
- cash4ubux.com
- cashfiesta.com
- cashflowmails.com
- cashkidding.com
- cashnbux.com
- cashmails.biz
- cashmails.org
- cashmailz.com
- cashmedia.biz
- cashmoneyemail.com
- cashmybux.com
- cashTreePTC.com
- casino-PTR.com
- cat-mails.com
- cd-mails.com
- charm-mail.com
- cherry-mails.com
- chilloutbux.com
- chinawelcomeptc.info
- chobitsmails.net
- cjbux.com
- click2earn.biz
- clickersheaven.com
- clickersheaven.info
- clickforabuck.com
- clickmybux.com
- clicksterbux.com
- clicksx.com
- clix.vc
- clix-p.com
- clixp.com
- clixncash.com
- cloud-mails.com
- cloudy-mails.com
- cloudbux.com
- club4you.net
- coast-mail.com
- cobebizs.com
- cobybux.com
- colph.com
- comfortableincome.net
- companybux.com
- cooperativemail.com
- creativemails.biz
- currencymails.com
- cutebux.com
- cvbux.com
- D
- daily-mails.com
- dcbux.com
- depacco.com
- dionbux.com
- dynobux.com
- detbux.com
- devbux.com
- diamond-bizs.com
- diamond-mails.net
- diamond-ptr.com
- dingobux.com
- discobux.com
- discoclicks.com
- disney-mails.com
- doemails.com
- dog-mails.com
- dollargpt.com
- donkeybucks.com
- dreamails.com
- dutzzubux.com
- dw-mails.com
- dynamicptr.com
- E
- everydaybux.com
- e-mailpaysu.com
- eagle-mails.com
- earn-usd.biz
- earningsecret.com
- earnmybux.com
- earthptr.com
- easycashptc.com
- elephant-mails.com
- eliteptc.com
- enrichptc.com
- e-mailptr.com
- emmamails.com
- enbux.com
- enterpriseptr.com
- epaisa.pk
- esooe.com
- essentialptr.com
- euro-emails.com
- eurotrademails.com
- evernityrewards (evernity.com)
- exceedmargin.com
- excellentbux.com
- exclusivemails.net
- exobux.com
- expert-mails.com
- expertmails.net
- extrajozbux.com
- ezihippo.com
- ezlaptop.com
- F
- fatwalletbux.com
- fellowequality.com
- fineptc.com
- fortuda.com
- frostbux.com
- fairhits.com
- fallsmails.com
- fastcarptc.com
- fastcashbux.com
- fastmoney24.com
- fastpayptc.com
- fatmoneyptc.com
- feer-mial.com
- fillbux.com
- filobux.com
- financebux.com
- financialfreedomads.com
- fire-mails.com
- firebux.net
- fivedollarptc.com
- flamemails.com
- flashbux.com
- fly-field.com
- flybizs.com
- foggy-mails.com
- foreverptc.com
- forex-cashbux.com
- foundmails.com
- freedom-mails.com
- fromhomedataentry.com
- fullmoneybux.com
- future-ptr.com
- G
- goldcashbux.com
- gagabux.com
- gainpay.org
- gammabux.com
- gardenoflinks.com
- generalbucks.com
- geniusptr.com
- genuinemails.com
- get-umoney.com
- getdailypaid.com
- getpaidindustry.com
- getrefmails.com
- getrichptc.com
- getrichptr.com
- get-umoney.com
- giga-mails.com
- gkcash.com
- globalPTR.com
- gobigptc.com
- godbux.com
- godrestyemerrygentlemenptc.info
- goldbizs.com
- goldcash247.com
- golden-galaxy.com
- goldenquarters.com
- google-bux (googlenow.info)
- gowellup.com
- gpclub.net
- grandptc.com
- grapemails.com
- green horse
- gtsbux.com
- H
- hatbux.com
- hiddenbux.com
- hiebux.com
- hqbux.com
- htbux.com
- halloweenptc.info
- harktheheraldangelssingptc.info
- hawkinsBux.com
- helgabux.com
- hellishdollars.com
- herecomessantaclausptc.info
- hide4dz.biz
- highbux.Biz
- highbashbonus.com
- hitzmagic
- honestclicks.info
- hoobux.com
- huebux.com
- hugeptc.com
- hulk-mails.com
- hybux.com
- I
- icobux.com
- igniteclicks.com
- imcrew.com
- iubux.com
- izybux.com
- ibux.eu
- icepaid.com
- incomeptr.com
- infinitebux.com
- insanecricket.com
- inspiremarrow.com
- instant-ptc-cash.com
- instantlyptc.com
- instantptr.com
- interadmedia.com
- ippomails.net
- ironbux.com
- isabelmarco.com
- itcameuponthemidnightclearptc.info
- J
- jmgold.com
- jphfbux.com
- jackmails.com
- javaptc.com
- jemabux.com
- jesusbux.com
- jobptc.com
- jokerbux
- jpbux.com
- jrbux.com
- justbux.com
- K
- klikcashoutfast.com
- klikerz.com
- krisbux.com
- kazariangpt.com
- keedes.com
- key-mails.com
- kinderbux.com
- king-mails.com
- L
- levinclix.com
- lewbux.com
- libertydollarreserve.com
- lachicaemails.com
- lawyer-mails.com
- leetbux.net
- legend-mails.com
- lenkaclix.com
- lenkaclix2.com
- levinclix.com
- libertyreservemails.com
- link2communion.com
- litbux.com
- livebux.com
- lollipopmails.com
- lolybux.com
- loving-mail.com
- luckydollar.biz
- M
- magicalptc.com
- mailsmoney.com
- manobux.com
- marketptc.com
- miniptc.com
- momobux.com
- moneyallthetime.info
- monthbux.com
- mybux.me
- myptc.me
- mysteryptc.com
- makenbux.com
- magicalmails.com
- makemybux.com
- malnadcashmachine.com
- mapbux.com
- mappbux.com
- massiveptr.com
- matebux.com
- maverickptc.info
- maystromails.net
- mecbux.com
- megabuxx.com
- megacashzone.com
- megamoneyptc.com
- mic-promotion.com
- milbux.com
- millionairebux.com
- mixbux.com
- mnmbux.com
- mom-n-popptc.info
- moneyems.com
- moneymakerptc.com
- moneypakbux.com
- moneytrainptc.com
- moonpaid.com
- mutualptr.com
- mybestpornobux
- mygoldbux.com
- mylook.com
- mymoneybux.com
- mysteryclickers.com
- N
- neoclix.net
- neodollar.com
- neoptc.com
- nacbux.com
- neatbux.com
- necbux.com
- neopays.com
- neveroff-bux.com
- newbuxindia.com
- next-neo.com
- nippyclicks.com
- nomincashout.com
- nominimumbux.com
- noworkcash.com
- O
- okeybux.com
- omnibux.com
- OnABux.com
- Onedollarptc.com
- oberonclicks.com
- Ocean-Mails.com
- Ochristmastreeptc.info
- olebux.com
- Ok-usd.com
- OppoMails.com
- P
- paidmailz.com
- pay4surf.info
- pink-mails.com
- poketbux.com
- premiertrafficbux.com
- ptc-investigation-ptc.com
- ptc4profit.info
- ptc2u.com
- ptcclick.com
- ptcdude.info
- ptcevolution.me
- ptcpro.info
- ptcsense.com
- ptcwallet.com
- Paid-Bux.info
- PaidClicks.WS
- PaidForFree.com
- Paidlink.info
- Paidstation.com
- PaidToViewTube.com
- Papillon-clicks.com
- ParadiseClicks.com
- Paradiseclicks.info
- PayablePTR.com
- PayDayPTC.com
- Payee.me
- Paying-mails.com
- PayingClub.com
- PayingPTR.com
- paymentsbooklet.com
- Payooclub.com
- Paypay-mails.com
- Pcash.info
- Pearlmails.com
- PegasusPTR.com
- PerfectPTR.com
- PerformanceBux (performancebux.com)
- PerformancePTC.com
- Persianptc.com
- phatbux.com
- Phoenixcash.info
- Planetmails.com
- Pleasant-Mails.com
- Pocket Favorite (pocketfavorite.com)
- PogoMails.com
- Power-mails.net
- Power4Bux.com
- pretty-mail.com
- Profitmorebux.com
- Project-Bux.com
- ProMails.org
- ProperPTR.com
- ProsperousBoom.com
- ptc4u.com
- Ptcbiz.com
- Ptcbonus.com
- PTCBux.com
- PTCNinja.com
- Ptcrush.com
- Pumpkin-Mails.com
- Ptcshare.com
- PTR-Business.com
- Q
- QualityBux.com
- Quickcashptc.com
- QubeCash.com
- R
- RageBux.com
- RaiBux.com
- rainbow-mail.net
- Rainpaid.com
- Rainy-mails.com
- Rapidobux.com
- rcbux.com
- Read2Money
- RealDataEntry.net
- RealMoneyCompany.com
- RealCashPTC.com
- Redclub-cash.com
- ReoBux.com
- Revbux.com
- RevolutionBux
- Richestmail.com
- Richestmails.net
- RichPTR.info
- Richptr.net
- RingMails.com
- Rolex-mails.com
- rpbux.com
- rushnsuccess.com
- readbud.com
- redphoenixbux.com
- richptc.com
- rosebizs.com
- rustbux.com
- S
- sisibux.com
- skyperptc.com
- snbux.com
- srsbux.com
- starnaute.com
- statbux.com
- sugar-mails.com
- Surf4Bux.com
- surfwithmoney.com
- swippis.com
- SaladMails.com
- Salary-mails.com
- Salemails.com
- SapphireBux.com
- Saturn-mails.com
- SchoolBusOfCash.com
- Scopebux.com
- ScvBux.com
- ShareTheBux.com
- ShortBux.com
- Show-sales.com
- Silvanamails.net
- SmurfsPTR.com
- SnapDollars.com
- Snowy-mails.com
- solomails.com
- StableBux.com
- StablePTR.com
- SteadyCashPTC.com
- SteadyMails.com
- Stock-mails.com
- StockBux.com
- StormOfTraffic.com
- StreamEx.org
- Sun-Cash.com
- sunsbux.com
- Superpaybyemail.com
- Sureptr.com
- SurfJunky.com
- Sweetdealsemail.net
- SweetPTR.com
- SweetsMails.com
- T
- tebux.com
- techbux.com
- theclickers.net
- theclixus.com
- tiobux.com
- tt-mails.com
- tuibux.com
- twinpods.com
- twitbux.com
- Tea-Mails.com
- teammails.com
- tehnobux.com
- Tendollarclick.com
- Thanksgivingptc.info
- Thebestptcintown.com
- thumbbux.com
- TickerBar.info
- Timelessearn.com
- Topcashmails.com
- Touch-Mails.com
- TrafficNowFire.com
- Ts-Mails.com
- TuePaid.com
- Turquads.net
- Twodollarptc.com
- U
- uddoo.com
- UltraBux.com
- Universe-Mails.com
- up-bux.com
- USA-Bux.com
- Usd-ad.com
- Usdcenter.com
- UtilBux.com
- unibux.com
- upbux.com
- urobux.com
- V
- validbux.com
- velvetclix.com
- Valentine-ptr.com
- Valuebux (Valuebux.com)
- Verbonix.com
- Vibrantvitalities.com
- Victorptr.com
- viewbux.com
- Vinefire (vinefire.com)
- Vision-Bux.com
- Visit4Cash (visit4cash.net)
- Vitaraptr.com
- VuBux.com
- vitaraptr.com
- W
- warpbux.com
- waterbux.com
- westbux.com
- WaoIndia (waoIndia.com)
- WaveBux.com
- WavuBux.com
- WealthyPTR (wealthyPTR.com)
- Webcamcashmails.com
- WebMoney247.com
- Western-Mails.com
- Windy-mails.com
- Wishmails.com
- Wonderful-Mails.com
- World-mails.com
- WorldsPTR.com
- Worldwide-mails.com
- WorldWidePTC.com
- Worldwideptr.com
- worldwideptr.net
- wow-mails.com
- WuBux.com
- wonbux.com
- X
- xionbux.com
- XeonBux.com
- XrayEmails.com
- xxlbux.com
- Y
- YingYangBux.com
- Yippeemails.com
- YooBux.com
- YouPTC.com
- YourBestBux.com
- YourMyBux.com
- Z
- zendbux.com
- zaebux.com
- zionBux.com
This is an absolutely HUMONGOUS list!
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